Everyday SelfCare

We are constantly looking for ways that we can include self care into our lives, and ultimately have forged a self care lifestyle. We ask ourselves, How can self care fit into wherever we are, with whomever we are with, and with whatever it is we are doing? Below are some of the regular ways we infuse self care into our regular daily routines. We hope they provide inspiration for you to find space where you might include your own signature self care moves. 

Brushing Your Teeth Self Care

Heath has a history of Chronic Ankle Instability so he practices one-legged squats while he’s brushing his teeth. Then, when he’s flossing, he’s adds some Tai Chi Walk. It’s a medical qigong move that builds strength and power from the ankles to low back. Meanwhile, Nicole is offering herself gentle calf stretches to help wake up and get her body ready for the day.

Driving or Riding Home Self Care

On the way home after sharing bodywork, you can often find Heath with one hand under his hamstring stretching his wrist flexors and wrist extensors. If you’d like to try right now orient your fingers lateral or posterior, and place your palm down (extensors) and then up (flexors) under your leg for a minute or two on each side. 

Doing Dishes Self Care

In our kitchen, we have a couple sets of “foot wakers” and “foot savers”, which are basically half-cut spheres that we can stand on when cooking or doing dishes. This is especially beneficial for releasing the plantar fascia and stimulating foot reflexology points. You could also use a tennis or golf ball or something similar, but be careful not to slip.

The Secret Formula for Accelerating Manifestation

Nelson Mandela said “Change one thing and you change everything”…Is there one self care move you can add as you do the dishes, brush your teeth, or drive home from work? Imagine one simple, easy, and pleasurable self care move you can offer yourself while watching tv, waiting on the pick up or drop off line at school, in between clients, or throughout your sessions? It’s been our experience that you don’t have to do big things to have big impact. One of our teachers’ said that the simple is sacred, and we notice it is the simple things done regularly that have the longest lasting and most profound impact. 

Commitment is the initial step toward experiencing big impact, but success is more often the result of hundreds and even thousands of recommitments. Our strong recommendation is that when it inevitably becomes time to recommit, do so without criticism. That is, don’t waste your energy on wondering “when will I learn”, or “why do I keep doing or forgetting?”. Negative reinforcement and punishment will not help you learn or grow, and you wind up wasting one of your most precious resources; your attention. Instead, invest on simply choosing again. Yes, its that easy. The secret formula to manifestation is to recommit without criticism. And with that being said, we commit to a New Year full of friendly, easy, and loving choices for ourselves, for you, and for all those we touch! Happy New Year!!

You can view the full article in Massage & BodyWork magazine. Here’s the digital link: https://www.massageandbodyworkdigital.com/i/1060121-january-february-2019/28?

This article is inspired by the work and creative life of Kathlyn & Gay Hendricks. Check them out: https://foundationforconsciousliving.com/