Healing Matters Blog

How to Create Sacred Space
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”— Joseph Campbell What Does Sacred Mean to You? The word sacred is sometimes associated with religious beliefs, spirituality, or an experience of connecting with the divine, with nature, with one’s essence, soul, or spirit. We acknowledge and honor your relationship with and definition

Self Care Mastery
Self care is not being selfish—rather self care is being self aware. Have you noticed though, that many of the fundamental cues our body communicates are often ignored, discounted, pushed to the side or completely overridden? We invite you to consider your self care practice as an opportunity to listen and respond to your body’s

Hummmm your way to Health
The Miracle Molecule of Nitric Oxide Did you know that every time you inhale through your nose your body creates an amazing chemical reaction that boosts your immune system, reduces inflammation, improves blood flow to all the organs, allows for smooth muscle relaxation, and more!?! This miracle molecule created by inhaling through your nose is

Energetic Sleep Aid
Become masterful at living your best life by sleeping when you are tired. A busy, stressful life is the perfect excuse to rest your body when it’s tired. Napping, and allowing for 6-8+ hours of rest each night has many benefits: clearer thinking, boosted immunity, more productivity, helping maintain a healthy weight, lowering blood pressure,

Cupping may be trending now, but it’s nothing new. After all, the modern breast pump was inspired by the same cupping therapy espoused by Hippocrates, approved by the prophet Muhammed, and whose roots tunnel back 3,000 years into the past to ancient China. The enduring use of cupping therapy throughout the ages and across the

Pausing Allowance
As bodyworkers we routinely create purposeful pauses for our clients that encourage them to feel more comfortable, spacious, and at ease in their mind, heart, and body. But how often do you create similar mind, body, and heart re-sets for your self? Much like the tool belt of techniques we rely on in our sessions,