We recently attended a Conscious Loving + Living workshop with Kathlyn Hendricks in California and it is wonder-full to be a student! In this very experiential workshop we got to move, breathe and love in new ways. I am still processing all that we experienced and shared, but there’s one word and feeling that has been an echo in my mind since we left…
The word is “Presencing”.
We are expanding our concept of presence to transform from a noun to a verb. Presence is not just something we are, but it is also something we do. Presencing asks, “Do I know how to be here?”
Let this marinate a moment and notice where in your body you feel an answer to the question, “Do I know how to be here?”
At the beginning of every session we practice presencing by enjoying an expansive breath, connecting with an intention, and feeling our alignment. “Presencing” takes it an extra step by consciously remembering how to be here in the moment. We get distracted, we think about what to do next, what we just did, how much time is left, did I do that right?…and it’s completely natural to drift. How often we come back to our presence will help us keep our practice alive, flowing with feelings, and churning our creativity. When we are presencing we remember to breathe! When we are presencing we reconnect to an intention, and when we are presencing we recommit to feeling alignment. Over and over and over and over again we come back to the essence of why we do what we do. Recommit again and again to shift from our drift…
Now I begin to wonder how to bring presencing into the everyday and into all my relationships. Sounds a bit exhausting, but maybe worth it if it means I am making choices, saying words, and feeling from a place of doing presence.
Your deepest presence is in the fine folding and unfolding,
The two as perfectly balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.” -Rumi