Medical Massage for Neck, Jaw, & Migraine Pain 7/30

Chandler, AZ 8.5CEs

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We review the anatomy and contributing factors of Neck and jaw pain and stiffness, tension and migraine headaches, teeth grinding, tinnitus, and TMJD. We then learn highly effective techniques integrated from various modalities (such as Neuromuscular Therapy, Structural Integration, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and more) to relieve these conditions. Also, movement and repatterning exercises are offered for clients to incorporate between sessions and to practice at home.

July 30, 2012 – 9am-6pm
at Windmill Suites in Chandler, AZ

$130 before June 30th/$150 after
Half Tuition Due Upon Registration
Receive a $30 Discount
$360 for all three July 28-30th Medical Massage Seminars

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