Successful Habits of a Massage Therapist

Yoga pic 014Recently we taught a deep tissue class in which we shared some frequently recurring themes that we  have found to be the foundation of our success as therapists while working at the table. We thought we would share some of those themes and practices not only with them but with everyone!

We like the idea and all the possibilities that occur when we remember  that  every session is the opportunity to practice letting go and become a mirror of freedom for our clients to reflect. When you let go of your shoulders while giving, the more likely your client will also let go of their shoulders as they rest on your table. When we soften the body, the mind relaxes and the heart opens.  The doorway to healing opens when we not only attend to our clients needs  but also to ourselves. Attend to Yourself:

  • The Deeper you go the Slower you go. Practice patience and wait for the structure to accept your presence-allow the tissue to tell you how quickly to move.  1 slow, deep stroke can be more effective than 5 fast, light strokes.
  • Work the tendinous attachment sites of muscles first to reduce your  effort and soften belly of the muscle.
  • Work Smarter not Harder.  Use your legs to add depth and pressure. Avoid any bending in your spine. Push never pull.
  • Does it Feel Good to Give?, if not,  Stop it!
  • Save Your  Thumbs for small places
  • Improve Rather Than Fix
  • Let things happen, rather than trying to make things happen

If you have attended any of our classes,  you may have heard some of these ideas circulating throughout our conversation and we hope they are effective approaches that continue to support a sustainable practice.

Many Thanks to our students and teachers that continue to inspire, encourage, and  ignite our own practice with enthusiasm!

“Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved without Enthusiasm”

 -Ralph Waldo Emerson