Medical Massage for Knee, Foot, and Ankle Pain 8/22

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Medical Massage for Knee, Foot, and Ankle Pain on August 22nd

Knee and leg pain and stiffness, Iliotibial band Syndrome, Chronic Ankle Instability, and Plantar Fasciitis are addressed. Anatomy and contributing factors are discussed, in addition to presenting a 90-minute hands-on protocol to relieve these common complaints. Also, movement and repatterning exercises are offered for clients to incorporate between sessions and to practice at home.

Benefits of Medical Massage for Knee, Foot, and Ankle Pain:

  • Provide pain and inflammatory relief for chronic or acute knee injuries
  • Use joint capsular work to release the fascia around the hip, knee, and foot
  • Increase performance among athletes
  • Improve mobility and ROM ease for all clients
  • Relieve low back pain by releasing the lower extremity

Early Bird price is $175/$190 after July 22nd

For questions or help registering, please call Heath or Nicole at (602) 751-1201*