Medical Massage for Relieving Shoulder, Wrist, Elbow, Hand, and Thumb Projects, 6CEs

Live Webinar Event
October 15, 2020
— October 15, 2020
Start Time: 9:00 am
End Time: 4:00 pm

*Times are Arizona / Pacific time. Confirm your time zone here.

Thursday, 9am-4pm Pacific Time with a 1-hour Lunch break (12pm-7pm Eastern)
Check your timezone here 

Early Registration is $49 before Oct 5th, $59 after Oct 5th

These 6CEs apply as Live, In-person classes for most state CE renewal requirements. Join live or watch the webinar recording afterward for lifetime review!

Shoulder, wrist and hand pain are among clients’ chief concerns. And with Americans spending between 8-12 hours per day interfacing with digital devices, it’s no surprise that sloughing in front of screens creates a cascade of postural imbalances and painful projects. Join us as we explore precise and profound techniques to resolve and dissolve the “boulders in the shoulders.”

In this experiential course, we:
  • Delve into advanced anatomy with a 3-dimensional exploration into the architecture of the Shoulder Girdle, medial and lateral epicondyles, Carpel Tunnel, and thenar and hypothenar structures.
  • Resolve and Dissolve contributing factors to Thoracic Outlet syndrome, Shoulder Bursitis and Tendonitis, Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, as well as pain, weakness, or dysfunction experienced in clients’ wrist, hand, or thumbs.
  • Practice advanced touch therapies like Orthopedic Massage, Muscle Release Technique, Neuro-Muscular Therapy, Trigger Point, and more.
  • Practice self care movement therapies and anatomical tutorials to reveal and heal the imbalances created by Forward Head Position, Nerve Impingement Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, and breathing difficulties.

What to Have on Hand:

  • Wear comfortable, easy-to-move-around-in clothes…be prepared to move your body and expect an all levels combination of neurological repatterning exercises, anatomical tutorials, and healing touch therapies
  • We recommend you have something to write with and on to take notes and jot down insights.
  • Optional receiver/demo body to practice on from *around 11am-1230pm Pacific (2-330pm Eastern), and 230pm-4pm Pacific (530-7pm). Set up a massage table (or similarly set up on a futon, couch, etc.) with basic linens, bolster, and have massage lotion, oil, or cream available. *All times subject to minor changes according to pace of class. And, we appreciate your flexibility in advance.
Webinar Tuition Includes:
  • Digital copy of comprehensive Medical Massage for Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, & Hands instructional manual
  • 6 State- and Nationally approved-CEs -Certificate of Completion (emailed to you following your attendance in the live webinar)
  • Recording of webinar for lifetime review



Start: October 15, 2020
@ 9:00 am
End: October 15, 2020
@ 4:00 pm
Time: 9:00 am
– 4:00 pm
Early Registration: $49
before October 4, 2020
Regular Registration: $59
after October 4, 2020
CES: 6 credits