Tuesday, 6am-3pm AZ/Pacific Time (9am-6pm Eastern) Find your time
These 8CEs apply as Live and in-person classes for most state CE renewal requirements.
Early Registration is $79 before June 1st, $99 after
Discover the safest ways to provide therapeutic touch with pregnant clients and grow confidence performing an entire session in the Side-Lying position.
Join live or watch the webinar recording afterward for lifetime review!
In this experiential course, we:
- Review the scientific recommendations for how to most safely support your pregnant mothers
- Discover how Side-Lying position leverages the greatest results for clients healing in their hips or shoulders
- Debunk common myths about when and when not to work with pregnant clients
- Learn more than 90-minutes of advanced techniques to provide for pregnant or any other clients in the Side-Lying position
- Refine your Side Lying draping, bolstering, and advanced tools for any client
What to Have on Hand:
- Wear comfortable, easy-to-move-around-in clothes…be prepared to move your body and expect an all levels combination of neurological repatterining exercises, as well as a bevy of healing touch therapies =)
- We recommend you have something to write with and on to take notes and jot down insights.
- Optional receiver/demo body to practice on from *around 11am-1pm EST (8am-10am AZ/Pacific), and 3pm-6pm EST (12-3pm AZ/Pacific). Set up a massage table (or similarly set up on a futon, couch, etc.) with basic linens, *2-3 large pillows (or a Side-lying body support system), and have massage lotion, oil, or cream available. *All times subject to minor changes according to pace of class.
- We appreciate your flexibility in advance.
Webinar Tuition Includes
- Digital copy of comprehensive Medical Massage instructional manual
- 8 State- and Nationally approved-CEs -Certificate of Completion (emailed to you following your attendance in the live webinar)
- Recording of webinar for lifetime review